HSSC TGT Exam Admit card 2015 (www.hssc.gov.in/)
Trained Graduate Teacher Exam Admit card 2015 – HSSC
Admit Card/Hall Ticket has been released by Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) for Trained Graduate Teacher Exam which is going to be coducted in the month of october 2015 at various centers in the state of Haryana state. All the candidats who have applied for TGT exam can download Hall Ticket from the official website or from the website links mentioned below.
HSSC TGT 2015:
Institte/Organization – Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Examination – Trained Graduate Teacher
Exam date – October 2015
Subjects – English, Hindi, General Science and General Intelligence
Official website – http://www.hssc.gov.in/
All the candidates have to go through official website for complete instructions on TGT and other relevant information that has to be accessed by all the candidates. Please give your complete details such as Application Number, date of Birth, code and other details to access your Admit Card for TGT exam